Message of thanks from the Archbishop of Montreal, Christian Lépine, following the Easter celebrations.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We have just emerged from our second Holy Week in a time of pandemic.
I thank you for faithfully continuing your prayer life at home, with the aid of resources such as radio, television and the internet. I thank all the pastoral teams and volunteers who prepared our churches to welcome the faithful within a safe and sanitary environment. I thank all those who worshipped in our churches in a moderate, conscientious fashion, offering their prayers while observing the health restrictions.
The pandemic persists, along with the many uncertainties it entails. The number of people permitted in a church varies according to the assessed risk level posed by the COVID-19 virus. We had advanced to a maximum of 250 participants while complying with the two-metre rule, and now we are back to 25. Going forward, let us focus our attention on Jesus Christ who is truly risen; let us remain in solidarity with one another, being particularly attentive to those who are alone.
May God grant us the grace to trust and to persevere. May He bless you and keep you in his Peace.
+Christian Lépine
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