In solidarity: the Church against violence against women

During the days of action against violence against women, the Social Action Office invites you to wear a white ribbon symbolizing solidarity with the cause and to participate in the activities announced in our bishops’ pastoral letter and by organizations based in Montreal.
By Louise Royer, Director of the Social Action Ministry Office
The pastoral letter of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace on human trafficking was previously announced here: For Freedom Christ has Set us Free: Pastoral Letter on Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Canada.
"The letter draws attention to the inherently exploitative and abusive nature of the purchase of sex and insists that in order to protect the vulnerable, this practice must continue to be criminalized: “Treating sex as ‘work’ masks the physical, psychological and sexual violence inflicted on the prostituted person. Prostitution involves selling something that by its nature cannot be bought or sold and is therefore inherently exploitative.” The letter is the joint result of the Commission's work monitoring the issue of human trafficking in Canada and abroad and of the contributions of the Commission’s respective Chairpersons over the years and in the course of numerous international meetings, including those with the Santa Marta Group in Rome.
In Quebec, CATHII (Comité d'action contre la traite humaine interne et internationale), of which the Réseau des répondantes à la condition des femmes is a member, has been combating human trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labour since 2004. A petition (in French only) concerning human trafficking in Quebec is currently available for signing.
Source: Eileen Perry, head of communications and the status of women - Diocese of Gaspé
December 6 is a painful reminder of the femicide at the Polytechnique in 1989. Let's stand in solidarity with PolyRemembers and its campaign for better gun control in Canada.
On the international front, Aid to the Church in Need announced on November 24 a new report on the abduction, forced conversion and sexual victimization of Christian women and girls.
There have also been instances of violence against women within the Church. The diocese has an efficient and confidential process for filing complaints of abuse: (514) PLAINTE or (514) 752 4683;
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