One city... one prayer!

As part of Ville-Marie's 375th anniversary, on May 21, the Greater Montreal Christian Churches are called to unite in prayer and share a message of hope for the peace and well-being of the city.
The Christian communities are free to decide how they want to be involved in preaching and in prayer. Texts were chosen by the Christian Direction as the basic reference for all the participating churches:
Pray for those who govern us and for all those who are in power, so that we can lead, free of violence and in peace, a life which expresses, in all its aspects, our attachment to God and which commands respect. (1 Timothy 2: 2)
Promote the prosperity of the city where I have deported you and pray to the Lord in its favour, for upon its prosperity depends your own. (Jeremiah 29: 7)
To order prayer kits for your Church, simply write to specifying the number of kits you want along with your contact information.
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