
All vocations are important; we must thank the Lord of the Harvest for both active and future vocations. 

As part of the 80th anniversary of the Oeuvre des Vocations du Diocèse de Montréal (OVDM), Archbishop Christian Lépine will celebrate - on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima - a Eucharistic celebration for priestly vocations. The Mass will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Basilica of Mary Queen of the World on Saturday, May 13, 2023. Singing will be led by a choir from "Communion and Liberation". The servers will be from the Catholic Filipino Mission in Montreal. Seminarians, candidates enrolled in the Year of Spiritual Foundation (called propaedeutic), the Rector of the Grand Séminaire de Montréal and his college of formators will be present. The OVDM council extends a cordial welcome to each and every one of you. In addition, please invite your family members, friends and fellow parish or community members. We look forward to greeting you in joy. 

You can participate in person or via the YouTube channel of the Diocese of Montreal using this link: 

United in prayer with each and every one of you,  


Father Silvain Cloutier, Director