Walk in the footsteps of Christ!

Once again Mission Jeunesse (Youth Ministry), in collaboration with Spiritours, is organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land for young adults from June 26 to July 9, 2019, accompanied by Archbishop Christian Lépine!
You will never listen to nor read the Word of God in the same way again! This itinerary explores our Christian identity and mission by visiting the places sanctified by the presence of Jesus of Nazareth. Biblical readings and meditations at each Holy Place will make Holy Scripture come alive and help us to explore and deepen our understanding of Jesus' life, death and resurrection.
This is an opportunity for young adults to walk where God walked on earth, following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in hopes of increasing our determination and courage to be more conformed to HIM and live more confidently as disciples in the world today.
Join us at an information session at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 17 or (2000 Sherbrooke St., Montreal, H3H 1G4).
Invite a friend, and let us know if you'll be joining us by confirming here!
For more info
514-925-4300 ext. 216, 273
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