Together for Peace

In a letter adressed to the faithful of the diocese, Archbishop Christian Lépine invites us to join Development and Peace's Share Lent campaign.
Dear Faithful in Christ,
Lent is a time to reconnect with God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Development and Peace invites us again to take part in the Share Lent Campaign, whose theme this year is Together for Peace. Although we may often feel as though peace is out of our reach, we are called to remain persistent in its pursuit. Our faith in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, compels us to continuously pray for inner peace and for guidance in our role as instruments of peace.
This year, Development and Peace aims in particular to promote building peace through dialogue. Working alongside its partners in various countries, it seeks to foster opportunities for dialogue, providing divided communities with a safe space where they may get to know each other and find fair solutions that bear hope against a backdrop of obstacles and conflicts.
With your support, Development and Peace has been helping local initiatives in the Global South in this way for fifty years.
Recently, Pope Francis emphatically reiterated that the culture of dialogue helps us to see others as valid speakers, as people who are worthy of being heard and with whom we could engage in mutual discovery.
During Lent this year, I invite you to encourage and support Development and Peace through prayer and financial donations to achieve peace, dialogue and respect for life in every circumstance.
We are often approached throughout the year to support numerous causes, each worthy in their own way. Let's ensure the poor their rightful place among these causes through our participation in Share Lent 2018.
+Christian Lépine
Archbishop of Montreal
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