Synod 2023: An Assembly that leads us towards a change in direction

It has been almost six years since our diocesan Church committed to becoming a more missionary organization in response to Pope Francis’s appeal as published in the apostolic exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. Looking back today, we are forced to observe that our efforts have fallen short and that we have not seen the fruits we had hoped for. A Synodal Assembly, consisting of priests, religious women and men, laypersons, and parish staff and parishioners, was convened June 19 of this year for the purpose of examining the situation. Representing the English- and French-speaking communities, as well as members of other cultural communities, all these participants were invited to take a sober look at the goals of the diocesan roadwork project and the measures that have been taken thus far.
In this section, you will find:
- A brief summary of the exchanges that took place at the Synodal Assembly
- A preliminary reflection drafted by the steering committee (the committee in charge of promoting the diocesan roadwork project) based on proposals put forth by Assembly participants
Did the Holy Spirit breathe his inspiration into this meeting of June 19? He is certainly confronting us with challenges. For, although our Church’s fundamental goals with respect to missionary transformation are still relevant, drastic changes are in store for the approach and the measures that have been proposed. Some solutions are already appearing. Among them is the realization that a better quality of synodal life is an essential prerequisite in the missionary transformation of our Church. We must work on strengthening the communion within our Church and dramatically improving communications between and amongst ourselves. The diocesan Pastoral Council, which just met September 6, is expected to offer its advice to the Archbishop on how things progress from here.
May the Spirit continue to guide us!
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