Pastoral Session with First Nations, Métis and Inuit on Walking Together

Registration for the May Pastoral Sessions is open!
The Grand Séminaire de l’Archidiocèse de Montréal invites you to the pastoral session "Walking Together" together with First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, to be held from May 8 to 12, 2023.
Under the leadership of Mr. Christian Bergeron and Mr. Guy Guindon, PSS, Rector of the GSAM, the focus of this week-long conference will the issues of North American relations with First Nations, Métis and Inuit, identifying the major features of their history, as well as the harm that those communities were subjected to. The session will serve as follow-up on the Pope's visit in 2022, exploring potential steps towards reconciliation with the Church and some perspectives for "Walking Together.”
This session is open to all!
For further information, we encourage you to read the document on the page entitled “Cours offerts” on our website which outlines the pastoral sessions, and where you may also find the form for registration.
You can also communicate with us by contacting Mr. François Bérubé at: or calling (514) 474-4726, extension 222.
Pastoral Session The Socio-Emotional Dimension of Celibacy for the Kingdom
Registration for the May Pastoral Sessions is open to all!
The Grand Séminaire de l’Archidiocèse de Montréal invites you to take part in the pastoral session on The Socio-Emotional Dimension of Celibacy for the Kingdom to be held from May 1 to 5, 2023.
Under the guidance of Sister Céline Rivard, students are invited to examine the question of the socio-emotional dimension of human nature in the context of the dedication to celibacy, in order to foster the full development of the individual's commitment and freedom.
For further information, we encourage you to read the document on the page entitled “Cours offerts” on our website which outlines the pastoral sessions, and where you may also find the form for registration.
You can also communicate with us by contacting Mr. François Bérubé at: or calling (514) 474-4726, extension 222.
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