Montreal welcomes international Jesuit speaker

There will be two opportunities to hear Fr. Philip Chircop, SJ, this Lenten season! A Jesuit priest and internationally-known retreat master, Fr. Chircop is a native of the Mediterranean island of Malta, and presently working in Toronto, Canada.
He is an artist at heart and madly in love with all things beautiful and soulful: music, painting, sculpture, photography, film, theatre, poetry, good company, good food, good wine and more. He strongly believes that beauty is a uniquely wonderful entry into the mystery of the God 'whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.' God can indeed be sensed and experienced in all things if we have ears to hear and eyes to see, if we have the patience to have a long, loving look at the real that surrounds us." Find out more at
1- 2017 Lenten mission
Becoming a Living Stone in the Body of Christ with presenter Fr. Philip Chircop. St. Luke Parish, in partnership with St. Thomas à Becket and Jesus Light of the World Parishes, will host a Lenten mission Go Build My Church on March 2, 3, 4!
Everyone is welcome 7 pm each evening at St. Luke Parish.
Visit Lenten Mission for more details or contact Wendy or Elsa.
2 - Lenten morning retreat
Who is the God you're falling in love with? Is your God perhaps too small, created in your own image and likeness? A pocket-sized God that does not excite or challenge? Has your God grown and matured since you were a child?
Join Fr. Philip Chircop for a morning of recollection in which we will explore some unhealthy, toxic images of God, and learn how to replace them with the life-giving images of God found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. To be held on Saturday, March 4 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (6405 de Terrebonne St., Montreal).
For details and to register by March 1st, contact Anna at 514-481-0267 ext. 22.
All are welcome!
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