Montréal de clocher en clocher – Montreal, steeple by steeple

ISBN: 978-2-89760-392-2
248 pages / $29,95
(Translated by the Archdiocese of Montreal)
The churches of Montreal are full of interesting things to see and stories to tell: feats of architecture, treasured works by Québécois artists, records tracing the history of the city’s neighbourhoods and religious communities and its embrace of cultural diversity… Alas, many of our churches are being threatened with destruction. Reasoning that the best way to protect them is through rediscovering them, François Guillet sets out on the task of visiting and drawing them. Montréal de clocher en clocher presents a personal view of some thirty churches, selected from among the most celebrated to the most obscure, using texts and sketches that also illustrate the great variety of these monuments. In addition, the book discusses some of the remarkable places of worship that belong to other beliefs and that dot our urban landscape today.
Both highly documented and highly personal, this guidebook invites us to plunge into a rediscovery of the religious buildings of Montreal, to contemplate their beauty and experience the atmosphere of quiet serenity within.
François Guillet is a young professor of French. He holds a master’s degree in philosophy from the Université de Montréal and a minor in the science of religion from UQÀM. Inspired by his passion for sketching urban subjects, he conducts workshops introducing participants to this artistic discipline.
Éditions Médiaspaul
3965, boul. Henri-Bourassa E., Montreal-North, QC, H1H 1L1 (Canada)
telephone: (514) 322-7341 — fax: (514) 322-4281 —
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