Missionary Month 2022: “You will be my witnesses”

Montreal — October 1 is approaching and, at this beginning of the Missionary Month and the feast of the Patron of the Missions St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the Catholic faithful of Canada and all men and women of good will are invited to (re-)discover, to celebrate and to support missionary activities in the world in aid of those most in need.
World Mission Day is the high point of Missionary Month and will be celebrated on October 23, once again as an occasion to support projects and initiatives in some of the 1,100 poorest dioceses in the world that depend on the Dicastery for Evangelization.
In his message published on January 6, 2022, the Pope stressed that the disciples of Jesus are sent by Him into the world “not only to carry out, but also and above all to live the mission entrusted to them; not only to bear witness, but also and above all to be witnesses of Christ.”
Fr. Yoland Ouellet, O.M.I. is National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies for French-speaking Canada. “This year,” stated Fr, Ouellet, “as we celebrate the bicentenary of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and the beatification of its founder Pauline Jaricot, I encourage all of us to pursue the mission with renewed spirit.“ “Let’s respond enthusiastically to the Pope’s invitation to celebrate while sharing and praying in support of the universal mission.”
Thanks to the generosity shown by Canadians, the Sunday collection on October 24, 2021, generated more than $2,328,800, which was distributed by Mission foi (the Pontifical Society of the Propagation of the Faith) to ensure the Gospel continues to be proclaimed to the people of the world where missionary activity is at its peak.
Once again this year, Mission foi calls on the generosity of Canadians to support their many varied projects worldwide and to continue to pray for all missionaries and ensure that the Good News continues to reach the peripheries.
For that purpose, Mission foi has prepared its Animation Guide 2022, published in English and French, to make a range of resources available that will be of practical use particularly for accompanying animators of activities in parishes and various other groups. Furthermore, in this year of jubilee celebrations for the Pontifical Mission Societies, a series of different video testimonials about the mission has now been made available online.
About Mission foi
Mission foi (the Pontifical Society of the Propagation of the Faith) was founded in 1822 and is one of four Pontifical Mission Societies active in Canada. Its purpose is to assist the Church in its universal mission and help it to meet the needs of maintaining evangelization activities. With a presence in over 120 countries, it is the largest Society in the Vatican supporting missionary work in the poorest churches in the world. To learn more about Mission foi, visit our website: missionfoi.ca
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