Mass of the Divine Mercy by Archbishop Lépine in Saint-Nazaire Church

“Look to him, and be radiant” (Ps. 34:5)
Allow me to introduce myself; I am Fr. Dominic Richer, priest for Saint Nazaire parish and responsible for the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy instituted in 2018 by Archbishop Christian Lépine.
“Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed.” (Ps. 34:5) This verse has had an important effect on my life. Several years ago, I went through a deep depression, and I could no longer see any sense in living. Although I had done my studies in theology and had even spent some years with the Capuchins, I had never yet encountered the loving face of Jesus. With my spiritual director one day during the sacrament of reconciliation, I felt myself lifted up and loved; from that moment I found new joy life. That day completely changed my life, thanks to the merciful actions of a priest who allowed me to encounter Jesus’ loving gaze.
Ever since that day in my life as a priest, I strive to persevere in that same mission, helping others to encounter the loving gaze of Jesus and to experience his mercy, as I was able to do during the sacrament of reconciliation. This is why I try in every way possible to encourage that encounter with the Merciful Jesus, welcoming anyone who comes to me for spiritual accompaniment or confession. It is of the utmost importance for me to facilitate their experience of the Presence of Jesus and to see them leave happy.
Our parish is friendly and welcoming. People will say after our Sunday Mass, “We feel we are among family here.” Together, we try to make Jesus known through the warmth of our welcome and the beauty of the liturgy. We offer catechism activities for the young people and for adults in order to allow everyone to experience that personal encounter with Jesus. Some in turn even become missionaries in other parishes and in their personal lives.
In our church, you may gather at the foot of the portrait of the Merciful Jesus and offer up your own personal intentions. The Sanctuary offers very helpful services to assist you towards your own personal encounter with the Merciful Jesus. The Oeuvre de Jésus Miséricordieux is also here with a boutique of religious articles, and from time to time it sponsors faith-building conferences.
We are honoured to announce the visit of Archbishop Christian Lépine, who is coming to celebrate the Feast Day of Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. Our parish is very grateful to Archbishop Lépine for favouring us with his presence for this event.
The following activities scheduled will be our semi-annual bazaar on May 6 and 7, and after that a concert on June 4, featuring singer Chantal Pary. This last event is a benefit concert to help finance the repair work needed on the church steps and portico. These are important times for us to come together as a community and even make some new acquaintances. If you would like to learn more about our activities, please contact our parish office by telephone at 514 366-2730 or by email at, or visit our website at
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