Joint declaration issued by leaders and representatives of religious communities present in Quebec

“As the leaders and representatives of religious communities in Quebec, we affirm that faith is a fundamental aspect of our lives. ”
Among other things, our faith demands that we act to protect those who are most vulnerable in our communities and in our society.
COVID-19 poses a major threat to the people of Quebec, particularly the elderly and those whose health is already fragile.
Paradoxically, the only adequate way to respond at this critical time is to continue to pray from our homes, to suspend all religious gatherings, to temporarily close our places of worship, and to set an example by respecting instructions regarding social distancing and self-isolation.
We acknowledge the great sacrifice that these measures represent. We are taking these actions for the good of our communities and for the good of our entire population.
Therefore we encourage communities of faith to offer alternatives that will allow individuals to participate in religious services without leaving their homes, including liturgies celebrated privately in places of worship and broadcast through the internet or on television.
We call on all people of faith to cooperate with governmental authorities in confronting the threat of this pandemic.
We pray that God will protect us all from harm and keep us all in peace.
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