Holy Spirit Day

This past Sunday, April 12, Mary Queen of the World Cathedral hosted over 800 confirmands across Montreal, and their families, to celebrate Holy Spirit Day. It was standing room only as the Cathedral was packed!
Every spring all the confirmands across the island of Montreal, their sponsors, and their families are invited to visit Mary Queen of the World Cathedral as a group for Holy Spirit Day (fondly known as the Cathedral visit). The kids are given scavenger hunts designed to familiarize them with the cathedral, and the wonderful chapels, paintings, and statues it has to offer.
Holy Spirit Day this year was held on Sunday, April 12 and by two o'clock in the afternoon the cathedral was packed with people. Twenty-six (26) parishes and one school participated in the event, bringing in over 800 confirmands and their families, with a grand total of approximately 2000 people visiting the cathedral at the same time!
The first part of the afternoon, the children had an hour to look around and fill in their scavenger hunts. Luckily, two very special people were able to join us to talk about their incredible lives and answer questions: Jeanne Mance and Margeurite Bourgeoys, who were constantly surrounded by curious kids.
The second part featured a visit with the Bishop! Bishop Tom showed the kids his different vestments and the order he puts them on before a celebration. He taught the kids a "dangerous" prayer* they could use every day, and gave the children quick answers to common questions we get about our faith. During the question-and-answer period there was a lot of curiosity around the bishop's silver ring, and one child asked him what the meaning of life was! The celebration ended in prayer and a small catechesis by the Bishop using a Samsung Tablet, an analogy everyone could easily relate to.
The attendance and energy from the confirmands and their families was joyful and inspiring. Once again, Holy Spirit Day was a great success! In the closing remarks thanks were offered to PCLs, confirmands, sponsors, parents, grandparents, and siblings for making the day a gift of the Spirit.
*Prayer by Bishop Tom: Holy Spirit I give you permission to work in my life the way you want.
(NB: As the Bishop warned, this could be a very dangerous prayer as you never know what God will ask of you, but is certainly worth praying!)
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