Feast Day Mass celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Followed by a “Jericho March”

Archbishop Christian Lépine will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the 12:15 p.m. Mass on Sunday, August 15, at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
During the celebration, the diocesan mission of evangelization will be entrusted to the Virgin Mary, Star of the New Evangelization. In addition, the diocese will seek the protection of St. Joseph during this special year dedicated to this “righteous man” and patron saint of the Universal Church.
"Mary is present, guiding us along the path leading to the New Evangelization. At times, this can feel as though it is a journey through the "desert" (Rev 12:1-6). Just as stars appear brighter in the desert night so, too, the sky spanning our journey is brilliantly lit by Mary’s light, Star of the New Evangelization; we follow her confidently," said Archbishop Lépine.
The Archbishop will also lead a “Jericho March” following the Mass "to bring down the walls in our hearts separating us from God and from others.’’ This procession is inspired by the biblical account in Joshua 6:1-27 in which the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho seven times carrying the Ark of the Covenant. On this day, the assembly will process behind a statue of Mary, who is the Ark of the New Covenant, circling the interior of the cathedral seven times.
About the Feast of the Assumption
Catholics observe the Feast of the Assumption on August 15 to honour and seek the Blessed Virgin’s intercession; the feast celebrates the assumption of Jesus’ Mother – body and soul – into heaven.
The word "assumption" is derived from the Latin "assumere," meaning "to take up, to take away."
In reference to the Feast of the Assumption, it means that Mary is “taken up” into heaven.
The feast celebrates the death and bodily assumption or the “taking up” of the Mother of Jesus Christ into heaven, where she intercedes as Queen of Heaven.
As the cathedral can accommodate only 250 people, the Eucharistic celebration will also be broadcast live via the diocesan YouTube channel: Catholic Church in Montreal.
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