"Don’t Waste Your Death"

All are welcome to an evening to reflect on the spiritual, pastoral and medical dimensions of death and euthanasia, Tuesday, April 4, 7:15 pm, at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
Three guests will offer their witness: Dr. Patrick Vinay, a palliative care doctor, will address palliative care and the accompaniment of the dying, Dr. Catherine Ferrier will clarify the language we use to speak of euthanasia and "medical aid in dying" and the current legal situation, and Mgr. Christian Lépine, the archbishop of Montreal, will address the spiritual meaning of death and suffering.
Why propose such an event?
Two years into the legalization of euthanasia in our province, where are we know? The drama of death and the suffering of a loved one touch the deepest dimensions of ourselves and do not leave us neutral. In this new cultural paradigm where the request for death is considered part of standard medical care, how can we live in these circumstances with freedom and hope?
This evening of reflection intends to take a step back from the heated debate to go to the heart of the questions evoked by fact of death and the terms we use to speak about it: What is the meaning of death and suffering in light of our Catholic faith? Is it possible to live this time of our life with dignity and hope? How can we prepare for a good death? How can I accompany someone who is suffering? What is the difference between euthanasia, cessation of treatment and palliative care?
This conference will be given in French.
More info : 514-925-4300 poste 287
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