Covid-19: Gratitude pours in for Pope’s nearness during lockdown

Countless messages and videos pour in as Catholics around the world express their heartfelt appreciation for Pope Francis’ live-streamed daily Mass during the lockdown.
From Vatican News
Starting in March, nations across the globe urged citizens to shelter-in-place to avoid spreading the coronavirus.
In response, Pope Francis decided to broadcast and live-stream his daily Mass celebrated each morning in the Casa Santa Marta. Many people of all walks of life took part, praying in spiritual communion with the Pope through modern means of communication.
On Monday, 18 May, the Holy Father celebrated his final live-streamed Mass, as countries began to ease restrictions. He urged people to return in person – where possible – to their communities and parishes to encounter the Lord in the Sacraments.
Expressions of gratitude
Countless people have expressed their appreciation to the Pope for accompanying them during these difficult months of distance and isolation.
They have emailed videos and sent messages on our social media platforms.
The video above is a compilation of just a few of those heartwarming messages of gratitude. It is the first of a series that we will run in order to use as many of the videos that we have received from you.
Though his live-stream accompaniment has concluded, Pope Francis continues to be as active as ever.
And we here at Vatican News will continue to bring you coverage of his events, in all the ways listed here below.
Stay in contact with Pope
Articles regarding the Holy Father's daily activities can be found using the following links:
- Vatican News web portal
- Vatican News Facebook page. Please note that you can change the language/region on a computer by clicking on the three horizontal dots to the right of the Share button
- Vatican News Twitter account. Other languages of Vatican News on Twitter are also available.
Playback of all the Pope's daily liturgies, along with summaries or translations of his homilies:
- Vatican News web portal Here you will find both the playback and a summary of the day's homily;
- Vatican News YouTube English Channel Should you wish to view in another language, search for it on YouTube as Vatican News with the language you seek;
- Vatican web site Here you will find translations of the homilies in at least 6 languages.
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To find out when an event with the Pope will be broadcast, please check the Vatican News web portal. The top block on the upper right hand side always contains information regarding the next live transmission.
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