Are you called to do extraordinary things? We think you are!

And so does Deacon Keith Strohm, keynote speaker from Chicago headlining the 2016 Parish Vitality Conference in Montreal Nov. 10-12!
He will help you discover and explore the many gifts you alone can bring into your family life, your work life, and your community.
The former Director of Evangelization at the Archdiocese of Chicago will present the keynote "Set the World Ablaze" Thursday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m. at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral. This not-to-be-missed free event is open to the public. Simultaneous translation in French will also be available.
Strohm, who teaches The Called and Gifted Workshop at the Catherine of Siena Institute in Colorado Springs, CO, will also give four of the 17 "How-To" workshops being offered at La Plaza Hotel (420 Sherbrooke St. West - Place-des-Arts metro), Nov. 11-12.
For more info on the conference schedule, list of workshops and speakers and to register online, visit:
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