Archbishop's Tribute to Father Lacroix

Dominican priest Father Benoît Lacroix, who had been in hospital with pneumonia for the past few days, died on March 2. Archbishop Christian Lépine pays tribute to him in a message to his community.
Brother André Descôteaux,
Prior Provincial
It is with great sadness that I learned this morning of the death of Brother Benoît Lacroix. I would like to offer my sincere condolences to you and to all the community members of the Order of Preachers. You have lost a remarkable brother, whose jovial, generous personality touched us greatly. His radiant face and contagious smile put us at ease, making us fully confident in him, in life, and in God.
As we think of what it was that made us feel so at home with Brother Benoît, countless memories come to mind of his proverbial confidence. I pray that his interior light is now merging effortlessly with the loving light of the all-consuming Burning Bush. He knew how to express the world of ideas, evoking imagery and poetry, using but a few simple words. Now, in the natural course of events, his vitality expends itself in encountering the Eternal Word along the road to Emmaus he has travelled. His heart, aflame with the Scriptures, is called now to beat in rhythm with the Risen Lord. With these thoughts in mind concerning Brother Benoît's departure, my sadness turns to hope.
I pray with you, Brother Prior, and with all the Dominican brothers, whose paths might have crossed, at one time or another, with that of Brother Benoît. His sunny disposition and fraternal love brought you joy. May he now share in eternal happiness with God, his Father.
Filled with the love of his Creator and Saviour, he has now reached the doors of the heavenly Jerusalem where his place at the table has been set, he who has responded generously to the Lord's invitation since his youth.
In communion with the entire Order of Preachers, I offer my prayer to God, the Merciful Father, for the repose of his soul. I also pray for all his brothers grieving his loss that the hope of seeing each other again one day may render the mourning process less difficult.
May God bless you,
† Christian Lépine
Archbishop of Montreal
Wednesday March 9, 2016
7:30 pm - Prayer Vigil
Thursday, March 10, 2016
2 pm - Funerals
Église du couvent Saint-Albert-le-Grand
2715, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec
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