Acknowledgments: Dinner for Priests, Deacons and their Wives on the eve of the Chrism Mass 2023

For the first time since 2019, the priests, deacons and deacons’ wives were able to come together again this year, with rejoicing and thanks, for a dinner held in their honour on the eve of the Chrism Mass. The gathering was organized by the Office for Pastoral Personnel, and the meal was prepared and served by volunteers.
The event was also made possible by a generous donation from the OVDM (Oeuvre des Vocations du Diocèse de Montréal), marking the 80th anniversary of that organization’s foundation. We wish to express our thanks to Father Silvain Cloutier and the Board of Directors of the OVDM for this token of their appreciation of our diocesan priests and their faithfulness.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers who generously dedicated their time and effort to the preparation of the dinners on both Monday and Tuesday evenings, in addition to acknowledging the services of those who assisted on Wednesday. Their collaboration was a testimony to their faith and their love of the Church, offered in a spirit of cooperation and teamwork.
Many thanks!
May the joy of the Risen Christ fill our lives with hopefulness and joy!
Father François Charette
Director, Office for Pastoral Personnel
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