30-09-2023 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
In solidarity with the diocesan committee preparing for the Synod, the prayer service, "Together - A Gathering of the people of God" will be preceded by a Silent Procession. We will walk together from St.
Joseph’s Oratory to Saint Albert-Le-Grand Church (about 1.8 km).
Metro Côte-des-Neiges or bus 165 or 51. Parking at the Oratory (entrance: Cedar Crescent) for $5 per vehicle. At 6:30 p.m.: a local event in communion with the Taizé prayer and gathering in Rome
Name of the organization
Centre étudiant Dominicus / Synod committee/ Social Action office
Address of the event

Arrival: St-Albert le Grand Church - 2715, Ch. Côte Ste-Catherine

Meet at St.Joseph's statue at the foot of the Oratory off Queen Mary Road.

Kim Piché