• Diocesan Centre for Marriage Life and Family

Single Life

Hands shaping heart
St. Valentine's Day for singles

When man feels truly loved, he feels inclined to love. Besides, if God is infinite tenderness, then man too, created in His image, is capable of tenderness. Tenderness, then, far from being reduced to sentimentalism, is the first step to overcome the withdrawal into oneself, to leave behind the self-centredness that disfigures human freedom. God’s tenderness leads us to understand that love is the meaning of life. (…) And we feel called to pour into the world the love received from the Lord, to channel it into the Church, in the family, in society, to interpret it in serving and giving ourselves. 

Pope Francis, Sept.13, 2018

A Catholic Valentine’s Day: How to Reclaim and Retain your Sanity

God has created us in the image and likeness of love but that does not mean that we are all called to the love shared in holy matrimony between a husband and wife. There are other instances of love that are equally important for each of our own developments into the person that God created us to be. Such loves include that which is shared within a family and between friends.

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Resources for Singles this St. Valentine's Day

5 Unromantic ways to Get in on the Valentine’s Day Love (if you’re single)

For Valentine’s Day: Novena for Single Catholics

Prayer for a good husband or wife (video)


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 Newsletter - Advent 2019

It’s funny, because “making all things new” is really the point of the entirety of Salvation History, is it not? As cheesy as it sounds, the Grinch can be a symbol of both humanity at Christ’s coming, as well as each one of us as we oscillate between times of selfishness and pride and times of humility and self-gift.

How Advent Gives Us a Second Chance

Advent for Singles: A Season of Waiting

Advent and the Christmas season can be a stressful time for singles. Visions of happy couples strolling hand in hand dance in their heads. Sometimes it can be hard to prepare joyfully for Christ’s birth when nearly every activity, invitation, and Christmas song reminds you that you are alone.

Keep reading Advent for Singles

Resources for Singles this Advent


Surviving Advent as a Single

The Best Way to Celebrate Christmas When You Are Single

Top 25 Things to Do This Advent


Advent Retreats and Activities in the Greater Montreal

Upcoming events and retreats (Archdiocese of Montreal website)


Online Advent Retreats

Sacred Advent Retreat

Busy Person's Online Advent Retreat



God Speaks Your Love Language

The Courage to Be Chaste


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