Invitation to the Feast of Christ the King!

Archbishop Christian Lépine invites all the faithful to the Solemn Mass to Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe, on Saturday, November 22, at 7:30 pm at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
This feast marks the end of the liturgical year to then make us enter into the Advent.
For Archbishop Lépine, this feast is unique: "It is the synthesis of the mystery of Salvation, of the death and resurrection Paschal mystery. It is the journey of Jesus who comes to the word and rises from the dead. He becomes the Master of the history of mankind. I invite all the faithful, all those who are looking for Jesus to welcome the King of the Universe into their own history."
Is it a personal encounter? "Yes, just as Saint Thomas did and said: "My Lord and My God!" This is welcoming Jesus Christ as King and responding to his love by totally devoting ourselves to Him. This is also a welcome and a response that we carry out together as a Church." Thomas was not alone!
This feast is also the opportunity to commemorate the consecration of the archdiocese of Montreal at Sacré-cœur de Jésus and at Cœur immaculé de Marie, in 2013. "Mary is the one who leads us to Jesus Christ, added Archbishop Lépine, we resort to her maternal intercession to attach ourselves evermore to Jesus."
For this reason, a few parishes were invited to present their statuette of the Pilgrim Virgin for blessing. All the parishes which have Pilgrim Virgins will be able to have them blessed, along with any devotional article, such as rosaries.
The Feast of Christ the King was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925. Through this feast, the faithful is called to meditate on the image of Christ, such as visualized by the early Christians: a divine king, sitting on this throne, at the right hand of the Father - as we still say it in our Creed - and who will come back, at the end of times, with power, glory and majesty.
Prayer Intentions for the mass:
- Year of Consacrated Life
- Synod on Family
- Blessing of the Pilgrim Virgin and Rosaries
In preparation for the great feast of Christ the King, the faithful are invited to a 40 hours of Adoration on:
- Thursday, November 20, from 5:30 PM to 9 PM
- Friday, November 21, from 8 AM, all day and all night until the 5 PM mass of Saturday, November 22.
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