
In the context of the Year of Consecrated Life, the Archbishop will award 10 Diocesan Merit Medals on the occasion of the Patronal Feast Day, which will take place May 29, at 7:30 pm, at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.

The Recipients

♦ The Carmelite Nuns of Montreal on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Avila.

♦ The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception on the 150th anniversary of the birth of Délia Tétreault.

♦ The Brothers of Charity in recognition of the 150th anniversary of their arrival in our diocese.

♦ The Sisters of Saint Anne, who this year are highlighting the 125th anniversary of the death of Mother Marie Anne Blondin.

♦ The Notre Dame de Vie Institute for fifty years of apostolate in Montreal.

♦ The Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Marie-Clarac Hospital.

♦ Mrs. Marthe Duhamel for decades of discrete dedication to the service of the diocesan Church.

♦ Father Jean-Yves Garneau, SSS for almost fifty years of dedication to theology, liturgy, and to the secretariat of Jean-Claude Cardinal Turcotte.

♦ Sister Donata Palmieri SI, for 54 years of commitment to the Augustin Roscelli elementary school.

♦ Sister Dorothy Maher, CND, dedicated member of the pastoral personnel of Holy Cross Parish for almost forty years.  

All are welcome!