Consecrated Life Community Honoured on the Patronal Feast Day

On Friday evening, May 29, Archbishop Christian Lépine, together with many faithful, celebrated the Diocesan Patronal Feast Day.
On the occasion of this Year of Consecrated Life, the Archbishop presented the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit to six organizations of consecrated life celebrating a special anniversary this year. Four individuals were also honoured, acknowledging their exceptional contribution to the life of the archdiocese.
Archbishop Lépine began by offering a heartfelt welcome to everyone present: "You are all welcome on this Diocesan Patronal Feast Day. It is a great privilege to have the Virgin Mary as our patron and guide. Indeed, there is no better path to Jesus. Tonight, we are entrusting to her especially the pastoral orientations of our archdiocese, parishes, and families.
As it has been tradition for several years, we would like to take the opportunity on this feast day to honour individuals who have earned the esteem and recognition of the Christian community in Montreal and, in a way that ties in with the Year of Consecrated Life, religious communities that are celebrating a special anniversary."
After his homily, Archbishop Christian Lépine presented the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Award of Merit:
(See the pictures on Facebook)
500th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Teresa of Avila
2015 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Avila. This Spanish nun, born on March 28, 1515, and recognized as a Doctor of the Church, was, along with Saint John of the Cross, a reformer of the Carmelite Order. In 1875, six Carmelites of the Carmel de Reims came to establish a monastery in our diocese. Since then, the life of prayer of the Carmelite nuns in Montreal has been a tangible reflection of Teresa's spirituality. Located in Hochelaga at first, they moved in 1896 into their current convent on the Plateau. For 140 years, they have been actively supporting our diocese through their life of prayer.
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Avila, the Archbishop of Montreal would like to highlight the work of prayer of the Carmel in Montreal by presenting them with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
150th Anniversary of the Birth of Délia Tétreault
The venerable Délia Tétreault was born 150 years ago, on February 4, 1865, in Marieville, in the Montérégie region. Called to religious life at a very young age, she discovered her missionary vocation and founded in 1902 an apostolic school for the formation of young girls in missionary life. In 1904, with the support of Archbishop Bruchési, this religious institute was officially recognized and was named by Pope Pius X the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. In 1909, a first group of six sisters left for China. With this foundation, the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception became the first missionary community founded in Canada, joining in the growing missionary spirit that marked our diocese the entire length of the 20th century. Still today, the community is hard at work in several countries throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the venerable Délia Tétreault, the Archbishop of Montreal would like to highlight the missionary work of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception by presenting them with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
150th Anniversary of the Presence of the Brothers of Charity in Montreal
In 1807, in Ghent, Belgium, Peter Joseph Triest founded the Brothers of Charity. Their vocation has been to help the poor and the sick. During a brief visit to Ghent in November 1864, Bishop Ignace Bourget invited the community to settle in his diocese to run the Hospice Saint-Antoine. 150 years ago, on February 22, 1865, four brothers arrived in Montreal, thus founding the first community house outside Belgium. Over the decades, the brothers set up several charitable initiatives, such as the Asile Benoît-Joseph-Labre. Since their arrival in 1865, the Brothers of Charity have helped thousands of society's outcasts; alcoholics, drug addicts, people with incurable illnesses, and victims of psychiatric illnesses. One of their greatest missions has been to help offenders and the homeless to learn a new trade so that they may reintegrate into society.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of their arrival in our diocese, the Archbishop of Montreal would like to highlight this community's work of charity by presenting them with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
125th Anniversary of the Death of Mother Marie Anne Blondin
Blessed Mother Marie Anne Blondin was teaching in Vaudreuil when she was inspired to found a religious community for the mixed-gender education of poor children. Encouraged by her parish priest, and with the approval of Bishop Ignace Bourget, she founded the community in 1850. Esther Blondin professed her religious vows along with four other sisters and adopted the name Mother Marie Anne. From then on, through the founding of dozens of schools, the Sisters of Saint Anne have been ensuring the education of children throughout the continent for generations. 125 years ago, on January 2, 1890, Mother Marie Anne passed away. She worked discretely for several years within the community that she herself had founded, and even after her death, her good work continues to grow.
On the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life, Most Reverend Christian Lépine would like to highlight the good work of these great teachers by presenting them with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
50th Anniversary of the Notre Dame de Vie Institute (Secular Institute)
The secular institute Notre Dame de Vie was founded in France in 1932 by Father Marie-Eugène de l'Enfant-Jésus. A new branch of the order of Carmelites, the institute was very much modeled on the spirit of this great monastic order. During the 1960's, the institute formed three main branches (clergy, laymen, and lay women), with the intent to teach the spirituality and way of life of the Carmelites. Over the years, it became possible for couples to join the institute, which, in 2014, celebrated 50 years of presence in Canada.
On the occasion of the Diocesan Patronal Feast Day, Most Reverend Christian Lépine wishes to highlight the fifty years of apostolate of the Notre Dame de Vie Institute in Montreal by presenting it with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Marie-Clarac Hospital of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary
In January 1965, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary inaugurated the entirely new Marie-Clarac Hospital. In Montreal since 1949, this Italian community is made up of almost 300 religious sisters who are active in 12 different countries. With this hospital, the community pursues its charism of charity and assistance to the least fortunate. In addition to their mission of education, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary devote themselves to offering care to the elderly and the sick in a hospital environment. The opening of the palliative care pavilion, Mère-Anselme, in October 2014, is testimony to this community's determination to maintaining their charism.
In recognition of the good work of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary at the Marie-Clarac Hospital, our Archbishop, Most Reverend Christian Lépine, is presenting them with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
Father Jean-Yves Garneau, s.s.s.
Father Jean-Yves Garneau was ordained a priest at the Pères du Saint-Sacrement on September 6, 1959. Professor of Theology at l'Université de Montréal, he became Assistant Director of Liturgical Services in 1969. For almost thirty years, from 1984 to 2006, he was the Director of the Service de pastorale liturgique of the Archdiocese of Montreal. From 2003 to 2012, he also served as assistant to the secretariat of Jean-Claude Cardinal Turcotte, where he fulfilled several functions. In 2012, after more than forty years of service to the Church of Montreal, Father Jean-Yves Garneau retired.
Most Reverend Christian Lépine, our Archbishop, would like to express his appreciation to this man of the Church by presenting him with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
Mrs. Marthe Duhamel
Marthe Duhamel sets an example of Church life for the entire world to follow. The Second Vatican Council reminded us that "Laymen cooperate in the Church's work of evangelization; as witnesses and at the same time as living instruments, they share in her saving mission; especially if they have been called by God and have been accepted by the bishop for this work" (AG, 41). Since December 8, 1969, Mrs. Duhamel has been Assistant to the Apostolate and was called by the Archbishop of Montreal to "live by God alone in the world." In living out God's project, Mrs. Duhamel was a teacher and librarian in a classical school of the Commission scolaire de Montréal. Then, H.E. Archbishop Paul Grégoire called her to the service of the Maison Val Marie. She was responsible for this diocesan property, its reception, and the organization of retreats and recollections; her daily schedule included reflection on the liturgy, prayer, and contemplation in the service of the Church's call.
To express his appreciation to Mrs. Marthe Duhamel for the discrete Church service she performed with love and joy, H.E. Most Reverend Christian Lépine, our Archbishop, is presenting her with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
Sister Donata Palmieri
Sister Donata Palmieri belongs to the Institute of the Sisters of the Immaculate. The institute was founded in Genoa, Italy, by Saint Augustine Roscelli in 1876. Its objective has been to offer a healthy Christian and moral environment to children, the youth, and the elderly. In September 1968, the elementary school Augustin Roscelli opened its doors in Montreal. It was a small establishment at first, but, as enrollment increased, it was necessary to expand its premises. Sister Donata Palmieri is the Preschool Director at Augustin Roscelli. She has been providing exceptional service to children and their families for 54 years. Sister Donata is rather reserved, but speaks with joy about her involvement in religious life. Her consecration to God brings light to her life.
Because of her service, her 54 years at this school, her vocation, and her joyous and generous commitment, H.E. Most Reverend Christian Lépine is pleased to present Sister Donata with the Monseigneur-Ignace-Bourget Diocesan Award of Merit.
Sister Dorothy Maher, CND
Sister Dorothy Maher, CND began her work as pastoral associate at Holy Cross parish in 1987. She immediately became the right hand of Fr. Tucci as one of the primary contact persons in the parish. In Fr. Tucci's own words "I could not have had a more efficient partner in community work". During her time at the parish, Sr. Dorothy coordinated the Sunday 9 am mass for the seniors of the Holy Cross residence nearby and visited the sick with other communion visitors. She also prepared families for the baptism of their children as well as being responsible for the Pastoral Team. She was also involved in accompanying bereaved families by conducting prayer services at the funeral home when requested. Sister Dorothy initiated programs for spiritual growth such as days of prayer and reflection facilitated by a spiritual guide. At certain times of the year, she met with parishioners for shared prayer and reflection on the Sunday liturgy. In conjunction with other members of the parish, she initiated care for the impoverished and needy by providing food and any other necessities. She encouraged community life within the parish by volunteering with a team to serve lunch to parishioners who live alone and come together for fellowship. Her role in running the parish office placed her at the forefront in welcoming people who came to the parish. She took care of the records, requests for masses, bulletins and kept up the supply room. Sr. Dorothy loved her work and shared her joy in ministry with others. She retired in 2014.
In this Year for Consecrated Life, the Archdiocese of Montreal would like to honor Sr. Dorothy Maher with the Ignace Bourget Diocesan Merit Award.
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