
Like Christ, the permanent deacon’s service in the Church consists of three distinct functions:

  1. Service of the Word: proclaiming the Gospel and commentary during the Mass;
  2. Service of the liturgy: assisting the priest, celebrating certain sacraments (not all);
  3. Service of charity: many good works for the Christian community and for society.

A deacon can be married and have children, and occupy a part-time or full-time job in society.

Due to the nature of this vocation at the service of the Church, permanent deacons are chosen and ordained by the bishop of their diocese. Following the ordination, deacons are nominated (appointed) to serve in a specific Christian community.

May our thanksgiving prayers accompany them, as candidates, and their spouse, children and families, as well as our great diaconal family in Montreal!

For more information:

Becoming a permanent deacon