• Archdiocese

Office for Faith Education


The Office for Faith Education is an organism within the Archdiocese of Montreal mandated to support the pastoral regions through specialized services to help awaken, initiate or deepen the Catholic faith at all stages of life. The Office also sees to the implementation of the guidelines of the bishop for faith education. The vision that we share is that each person freely experience an encounter with Jesus Christ.

In a spirit of service, our mission is to propose places for learning and to accompany our partners in a dynamic of mutual discovery and networking.

Isabel Correa - Senior director of Evangelisation and Christian life office - anglophone sector  
Tel.: 514 925-4300, ext. 273

Johanne Egglefield
Tel.: 514 925-4300; ext. 276

Marie Françoise Poynee - Administrative Assistant
Tel.: 514 925-4300, ext. 272

Rosetta Staltari
Tel. : 514 925-4300, ext. 257


The Montreal Catechumenate


Biblical Pastoral Ministry
